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Wednesday 21 August 2019

Test Direne - (3171)


This is a test of the path. A unique test. A test unlike others, where if it is failed it is significantly maiming for the person's path.

Gnostic students often hear about it in passing and it is usually only given a mention. Even though it is a topic that is not often spoken about, it continues to be a test on the path that all those who tread the path must pass through it at some stage.

This post aims at answering: what, when, how and why of this test.

By the way I hope to one day find out the origin of the name Direne. Some research is in order. I will keep you posted when I find out more.


This test is for those who are married and are practicing the Alchemy. It is not a test that a single person would face. A single person may be involved in the scenarios of such a test but the Direne test is not for single person it is for the married person.  

In certain respects it is a test of definition for the Alchemy - which is the sexuality of the Being. So at the end of the day it is a test of definition for the Being or for the path which leads tot he Being.

Every test involves a certain virtue. In this test the virtue of love is involved. Also the virtue of transmutation.

Of course, if one loves their spouse this test is easily passed. If one loves their inner Being this test is easily passed. If one loves the path this test is passed.

Of course if one really transmutes in all the respects, all such wayward desires that would have one falter in the circumstances of this test can be transformed.


Usually at some point in the first mountain. The exact point varies according to the individual. The second mountain does not have initiations nor is it about definition. The first mountain is more about tests, initiations and definition. The second mountain is entirely composed of labours of death.

As this test has something to do with definition it is fitting that it should appear in the first mountain somewhere.

There are some general principles that apply to all tests. One, is that a test appears when the person is ready or able to some degree to pass it. Another one is, that every test wishes to make obvious what is true. Another one also is that a test is only a set-up.

When the candidate in truth has enough definition, and has spent enough time working on him or herself and has the ability to pass it, then logically the test will appear. So a beginner, married for three years is not likely to come up against the Direne test.

A couple married for thirty years may come up against this test. Both have been loyal for more than thirty years, so it is not really loyalty that is being tested but rather definition for the path and the Being.

If one fails the Direne test the love that was supposedly there just vanishes all like an illusion.


It usually involves a certain scenario or series of scenarios where a third person enters somehow into the circle of affection of the person under the test.

Usually this test involves the emotional centre and tends towards the sexual centre.

The scenario of this test is usually not immediately about sex. So a femme fatale type of lady (if a man is under test) does not all of a sudden appear tempting the man. It is usually someone in Gnosis or a friend that appeals to the person under test emotionally.

Usually slowly for emotional or sentimental reasons the third person becomes close to the person under test. It is usually not sexually motivated reasons that the third person initially comes close, it is rather for emotional reasons which could have some kind of sentimentality behind them. That of feeling to protect the person, to help the person, to help where their parents could not etc.

This test is made very much worse when the couple have some deficiencies or lacks. That is the man is not entirely happy with his wife. She is rude, often annoyed, speaks with a harsh tone, says no to almost everything, is not very friendly to people, seems to be against her husband most of the time,

When there are emotional type of lacks then the third person can easily and quickly become closer and there is space already present of him or her to fill.


As i mentioned earlier there are some general principles that apply to all tests. One, is that a test appears when the person is ready or able to some degree to pass it. another one is, that every test wishes to make obvious what is true.

When the candidate in truth has enough definition, has spent enough enough time working in transmutation on him or herself and has the potential ability to pass such a test, then the test can appear to make ti known to all that indeed the work that has been carried out so far is true and is of a quality high enough for the person to to proceed in their path.

End (3171).

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