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Saturday 10 August 2019

The Moment the Divine Mother Enters Your Imagination - (3162)

A gnostic student may not be able to imagine his or her own Divine Mother. Perhaps if such a student tries, they become confused - Egyptian, Christian, African, Greek, Roman, Aztec, Vedic - which imagery do I align with? None seem right.

Even such a student may try to imagine his or her Divine Mother and he or she just can't. If feels like lifting a car - just so so heavy.

With persistence one day while just imagining to be at the feet of our Divine Mother She will come into our imagination and then we see Her clearly and definitely - confusion gone. She has her style, her presence, her look, her majesty and dignity - She is what we can now trust in.

This a new octave in our relationship with Her. A very definite octave where you feel it is you and Her. Now you know that it is you and Her that are going to do the work of dissolving the "I's". Not much else is needed, your best efforts to comprehend and counteract and Her efforts to dissolve.

End (3162).

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