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Thursday 5 September 2019

Definition Before Comprehension - (3183)

Here's a gem for you!

Something m.m.m said last night. 

Before anyone can really comprehend and dissolve an ego, one has to be defined to dissolve it.

The definition, which is a decision consciously made, to work on an ego so to dissolve it, must be created within oneself to really begin to comprehend an ego.

Once there is comprehension there will naturally be dissolution.

Makes so much sense! 

When we are not defined to dissolve an ego we go back and forth constantly. Working then not working etc. 

When we honestly examine this back and forth situation we see that we really don't as yet want to dissolve this ego. We still feel that we can't give it up - not just yet - "we need more time" we say. The problem is that we think we have more time. 

A defined person is ready at the drop of a hat to give up that ego and have it dissolved.

End (3183).

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