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Wednesday 18 September 2019

Honesty Mini Value within Sexuality - (3203)

Connects to Many Areas of Our Life

There are so many values within sexuality. So if a person really works deeply psychologically and ontologically within their sexuality that work will pay off handsomely affecting for the good, many areas of that person's life. The opposite of this is also very true, the more a person degenerates within their sexuality the more the seemingly unrelated areas of their life will be adversely affected. 


One value within sexuality is honesty. How can that be? Easy! 

A lustful person starts off a conversation decently giving others the impression that he or she has no hidden interests. A few minutes pass and he or she carefully begins to bring out their lust - using words of double meaning etc. 

So this is not really honest is it? The real intentions are hidden, and remain hidden behind words said with double meaning, invitations that are decent etc. but have a plan behind them etc. 

Sexuality as a value (absence of lust) has honesty within it. It does not hide intentions, it sticks to the neutral matter that it presents and it does stray or take off on a lustful tangent. It does not try to seduce. Seduction is something dishonest. The one who seduces never says I am going to try and seduce you to do this and that.

'Cheating' as they say is an example of the opposite of honesty within real sexuality. If one is practicing sexuality as a value, that is the sexuality of the Being, then one has nothing to hide. It is a decent thing that is proper and dignifying and does not go against any decencies. 

If sexuality or chastity (transmutation or Alchemy - not abstinence) has intentions it will always declare them. Because these intentions are of a superior nature and can only be acted upon consciously, with the conscious participation of both. Lust works subconsciously.

Honesty in Sexual Centre

The sexual centre always demands honesty. Its honesty ends up winning. It demands definition of a person: to transmute or not transmute. If you are honest with yourself about transmuting the sexual centre will obey nicely. 

If two people are together and they do not share a spark of attraction within both sexual centres and within their overall system the sexual centre will begin to show this up and make this discrepancy known to the person who is choosing for some reason, not to be honest to themselves by ignoring or overlooking the sexual centre.

End (3203).

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