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Wednesday 11 September 2019

Laziness, Gluttony and Lust All Energy Transact - (3191)


The lazy person naturally as we all do, accumulates energy, and because the lazy person does not do anything with that energy, their energy does not move or get used - it just piles up. 

Inevitably as the sexual energy accumulates, and owing to its volatile nature, certain impulses are felt by the person to do something with their sexual energy. Which in turn triggers lust, where the role of lust is to use that energy, either through thought, emotions or some kind of action.

Laziness, Gluttony and Lust - All Energy Mates

Laziness is linked to lust because both on a deeper level are about energy. The lazy person does not want to use energy and lust wants to use energy. Gluttony is also related to lust, as gluttony is about eating lots which gets converted into energy. so gluttony feeds lust and laziness protects what gluttony stores up so that it can be used by lust.

Trapped in a Cycle

This actually puts a person into a cycle, of accumulating and siphoning off energy. The role of lust in many cases is to bring a person down, either energetically, psychologically or esoterically.

Many lazy people are not conscious of this process and fall into it, this is due to not having been sufficiently psychologically and esoterically educated.

Psychological Transactions

Many teenagers these days who because of video games and the internet do not get out under the sun and exercise fall into such a demise because of this inner psychological transaction process of  lust and laziness.

This is also an interesting point to consider where it could be lust controlling laziness. Perhaps yes perhaps no?

Key Arises

One effective key to overcome lust in a  person is to be active - i.e. not lazy and be careful with how one eats. As soon as one becomes actively and wholly engaged in activity that which may bother a person to do with lust disappears.

End (3191).

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