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Thursday 12 September 2019

Seven Races - (3193)


A talk such as this: "The Seven Races" widens a person's view of life. It has the potency to change a person's view of the world and of life.

Of the many effects that this talk has on a person, the main one in my experience, is that one gets the impression that the current race that we are a part of, is one that is suffering. That is, suffering from a lack of light. It is one that has strayed, or rather fallen away far from the light.

Therefore the history of humanity thus far is the history of man stumbling and falling through the ages.

The central point in man's history, which helps us to understand so greatly why we are in such a situation is the fall. This is the central point.

Such a talk unveils the fall of man. The causes and how man has unfolded himself through the ages into such a condition.

Such a talk also shows the various laws that operate on humanity through time.

It also helps us to understand how and why we have come to be the way we are and why these times are the way they are.  

End (3193).

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