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Friday 25 October 2019

Divine Mother Notes - (3265)

Below is the first stanza of the prayer to the Virgin Mother which St. Bernard prays for Dante, so that the Virgin Mother (Divine Mother) may allow Dante a vision of God.

"O virgin mother, daughter of thy Son,
humble beyond all creatures and more exalted;
predestined turning point of God's intention;"

This prayer appears in the third book of the Divine Comedy: "Paradiso" where Dante ascends into the Empryean above Kether where the three expressions of God are seen as three rings.

Of the many functions that the Divine Mother has, a salient one is to intercede for us before eh supreme Father.

We can draw the conclusion that the Divine Mother has the role and yearning of taking us acquaintance with the Father, and the Intimate Christ also has the same role. Also the Intimate Christ is not a product of the Divine Mother but participates of Her and She of Him and She unfolds into Him.

End (3265).

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