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Tuesday 8 October 2019

Nah Its not about Being Good but Being Awakened - (3233)

We students think a master is not a master if he or she is not a good, kind, tolerant and compassionate person. 

The masters are not like that. That is, they are not kind, they don't walk around in heavenly bliss, glowing, bowing down in kindness to everything even the wind, and they are not totally compassionate.

They are awakened!

There are so many good people that even being so good end up going to the abyss all the same. 

I would totally delete that of being good from my point of reference and concepts, and I would concentrate on awakening and dying - because that is what really matters! Not being good!

Please note being bad does not help you either! So don't use this as an excuse to be bad and indulge in your egos.

They have their consciousness awake and have no or little ego. Just these things characterizes them.

However, they can pray for you with the most tremendous love and power of soul and Being that your essence soars...

We can only really relate well to the masters when we work int he awakening and we work in our mystical death.

Otherwise we don't understand them and we get confused and disappointed - all the time and I mean all the time. 

They are awakened and they don't go with the subconscious ways of relating, they cut through all of that and they do not depend upon that. But the normal person does and so they can easily irritate the normal sleeping person.

When we start to get free from our subconsciousness and its ways, we relate well to the awakened ones.

End (3233).

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