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Tuesday 15 October 2019

Donkey Stubbornness is a Good One for the Abyss - (3250)

Stubborn Donkey

The abyss is for the stubborn!

It is for those who didn't learn the many lessons about evil, balance, pain, pleasure, money, power,  etc. in life. Either because they were too stubborn and they just didn't want to change or because they were too stubborn to see...  

Anyway the abyss is for those who were too stuck in their ways and were unable to change, that is for them there was no promise or potential to change. so there having their stubbornness being broken down.  

The way to the abyss is begun here on Earth and is one's place is booked an secured while we are here.

Try hard not to get stubborn!

Help Flees

Stubbornness causes help to flee and sifts us into the pan of a helpless case.

I'm not sure if you have seen the movie in Italian titled "Pinocchio". You see there the stubborn and naughty boys get turned into donkeys where they suffer terribly and end up in a kind of retrogression or involution. Indicating that a key quality to involute from the human condition is to be stubborn in error.

The abyss is also as Virgil says to Dante: "for those who have lost the good intellect". Which makes total sense because their stubbornness in vice was so much, so obsessive, so overboard that the only avenue left was the absurd, the abyss.

End (3250).

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