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Tuesday 29 October 2019

The Freedom of Not Considering Yourself Through Others - (3269)

Normally we want everyone else to know and appreciate as well as respect how busy we are, how difficult life is for us without us saying a word. So we put on a serious face, a 'life is hard' face etc. Usually we get quite angry when others don't consider us and try to make things easy for us.

This is the typical ego of self-consideration - wanting consideration for ourselves but always through others. When we go directly within ourselves and work decisively to solve what is bothering us we eliminate this ego.

There is such a freedom of being when we throw that self-consideration or consideration for ourselves through others down and fly over it. 

The freedom arises because we turn to ourselves, that is to our essence and to the tremendous source of power, energy and wisdom residing within our inner Divinity.

This is to be independent because and free in the right sense. Waiting for others always causes disappointment and frustration and it is marvelous to have found that energy and strength within because if we look after it well it will never leave us. We are then so much useful to others when we are independent in that way. 

End (3269).


  1. To be free from Self consideration... If real freedom is what we seek, it’s there were going to find it.

    As every master puts it, including Samael Aun Weor, the purpose of the Gnostic Doctrine is the Awakening of consciousness. They tell us the truth about the ego, that the ego is Sleeping consciousness and that sleeping consciousness that projects its dreams upon the mind mistaking it for reality, is the cause of all the pain and suffering that ever been here on planet earth. When we become serious in the work, we become serious about awakening the consciousness.
    At some point in our awakening, we will have our consciousness "Awakened", even if it is for just a moment. This Experience of the Awakened consciousness will help us so much in our work on the ego. Never again will we see the ego as something real, something bad, but only as where I sleep, where I am not awakened, an obstacle to freedom., that has disastrously and painful consequences, a knot in the free flow of life.
    Every ego, as Samael says, is a mistaken function of our own consciousness, identified with the illusion of "I". Every ego provides a function that we need as Beings, but it is done without the knowledge and awareness of our own Being, or put another way, functioning in ignorance of The Being. That function that the ego provides for us, the free consciousness awakened in the Being can provide infinitely better.
    I can give testimony, that the awakened man has no need to consider himself good, important, owing or owed... he has no need to consider himself... at all. There is no need or function to consider our own lives, our situation our circumstance, there is no need to even consider our Karma, what will happen, or what has happened. Really? Yes.
    Why? Because the Awakened consciousness possesses that marvelous faculty of Intimate Self-reflection of the Being. To the Awakened consciousness, everything need known is present within the moment, the Being provides All the knowledge and understanding we need in every moment. Undoubtedly the awakened consciousness has trust in the Being, that is self-evidently so, that trust is a functionalism of the Awakened consciousness.
    So in our process of dyeing and awakening we can contrast that experience of what it is to be Awakened to what it is to be asleep.
    In order to experience the Awakened consciousness, we must give more opportunity to the free consciousness every day to Awaken. That free consciousness must stay free, not identified with anything, more and more continuously through our day. What is it trapped in? My brethren, how many Hours a day do we consider our situation, our circumstances? How often through the minutes and hours that go by do we feel the need to consider even our Karma, Our work, our relationships, the next thing were about to do, the last thing we did... Considering what we are to say, what they said to us... We even give the sleeping consciousness the wrong function of merely considering the teachings, merely considering the Being. Instead of connecting the Teachings directly to reality, we merely just consider what reality is, and consider the teachings until we have an understanding that seems justified. And then we feel the need to speak about our mere understandings often in order to justify them to ourselves more so.
    As long as this exhaustive process of consideration takes place through our day and night, we will remain asleep. When that moment comes to experience the Awakened consciousness and Be the Awakened consciousness.... we will find ourselves not able, due to the fact that in that moment we considered our life, our future, our past, our self.
    When we have an interesting or even illuminating experience, we consider what it means. When we have a special dream, we merely consider what it means, instead of giving the opportunity to our consciousness to be the bridge from our experience to reality. Only the free and awakened consciousness can really comprehend our experiences, everything other than that is just more or less understanding.

  2. As long as we continue feeling the need to consider our own lives, our own feelings, our own point of view, we will not have enough free consciousness to Be awakened once and for all. This might seem severe or extreme. But Samael is very clear when he says we need a total Radical change. And really it is radical, but it is also natural... liberating and brings us happiness.
    I'll give a clear example: Working on renouncing self consideration all together, I found my self at the grocery store, I walked in with the intent to not consider anything, being present only with the being and consciousness active. I found that there was no need to consider what I was going to buy, because everything I needed was already on the shelf. I didn't need to think about what I needed, because through the natural process of walking through the store and being aware of what was front of me on the shelf. Those items seemed to appear in front of me like magic. My interactions with others in the store were so balanced, and a subtle smile never left my face, me present with my Being, smiling. Upon Leaving the store I had everything I needed, no more, no less and I thought to myself, that was the most pleasant time at the grocery store I've ever experienced.
    Like Jesus says in Mathew “Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not life more than meat and the body than raiment?"
    Indeed... we should work to free our consciousness from all this self-consideration, so that we may be Awakened to know why, why we have no need to take thought of our Life.
    From this perspective, we will succeed in the work and the path, our Terrible Karma is paid marvelously and our Being becomes our life.

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