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Thursday 10 October 2019

The Sentimental Link - (3240)

Many Of

We all have some of these sentimental links alive within us... It is a tricky thing to decide what to do with them...

Sometimes they appear too tricky to work on, so we end ignoring them - letting them stay there as they are.

Often we feel very confused as how to work on them when we contemplate working on them.

We have many sentimental links already established, especially with family, friends, work colleagues  etc.

Influence Of

These sentimental links can sway many of our decisions and influence much of our life.

We feel like a kind of love through them, but through them we also hurt quite a bit. 

In general anything that hurts us, the work would tell us to inquire into.

Often we find sentimental links lead us into action that is not so practical. Or they stop us from being practical.

First Measure of Action

What we can do though as first measure, is become very aware of the new sentimental links that we can create.

If we become aware of one being created we can know a lot more about them and knowing more about them will serve as orientation on how to work the existing sentimental links we have.

It is my humble opinion that working the sentimental links that we have is best done this way. Unless life and its circumstance by a force outside of our control causes us to work on them, like a relationship break down or death in the family or friends etc.


When we observe a sentimental link being created we see that there are some elements that get introduced that should not be there.

These elements come from us.

Even we may find that something within us warns us and tells us that we don't really need to create a sentimental link with hat person or thing.

The sentimental links are of the subconscious because we can't tell the person - "I am feeling a bit sentimental towards you". They would say "what!" so we keep it to ourselves in our subconscious.

Usually if we have a lack or a need or just bad habits we add these elements into the relationship and then the link begins. 

When they suffer we suffer, when they are happy with us we are happy. When they are not happy with us we are not happy.

A sentimental link is something of a dependence...

We link a part of our psychology to another for a reason to supply something...

We may link our image to another, we may link our affections, we may link our sense of security, we may link our ability to care for ourselves, we may link the sense that another needs us etc. etc.


I think that by being very aware to not create new sentimental links, we can learn about them to such an extent, that we can dissolve the ones that we have, with the end goal of making those relationships much better.

End (3240).

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