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Thursday 17 October 2019

We don't Feel Lonely Because we Don't have Someone! - (3253)


As the title of the post goes, we are not really lonely because we don't have a partner, spouse, friends, family etc. 

It is more an interior state that at its root has to do with the relationship we have with our Inner Being.

These states of loneliness are due to a lack of remembering the Being within us.

Inherent in any lonely state is the feeling of 'two'. That is duality. We feel as if we are the unlucky 'one', the neglected 'one', the forgotten 'one', the disliked 'one' etc. etc. See all 'ones', where that 'one' is not like the other 'one' (read below for the 'other one').

The lonely state then looks at others who have family or spouses and friends as the lucky ones, the 'complete ones', the 'ones with good fortune' and the 'ones well set up'. See - 'ones' again, which are the 'other ones' that I mentioned in the previous paragraph. 

In the end these lonely states are about two sets of  'ones' - i.e. duality. So bring the duality together and we arrive at unity and we dissolve the lonely state.

Remembering the Being

When we remember the Being we can do it in duality, that is 'me' here and the Being 'up there'. But this does not help. It does not displace the state of feeling lonely with its sad, resigned, feeling neglected type of inferior emotions.

Remembering the Being not as 'two' but as 'one', is what really helps.

Remembering that you are an essence and that you are of the Inner Being is very different. So you then walk around feeling within the reach of the Being, as if that Being is walking around overlapping you. But you are not better or worse, you are the same as you always were you just did not remember that. And everyone else is the same as you with their Being walking around with them through their essence.

The key is in the right remembering of the Being.

The role of these states of loneliness is to learn to firm up the relationship between ourselves and the our Inner Being. To revamp and deepen our self-remembering.

End (3253).

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