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Monday 21 October 2019

Why we Look at a Ferrari - (3260)

I was at Yelo the other day and a middle aged man rolled up in his nice new red wine coloured Ferrari. He jumped out ordered a coffee and sat on the same table as me.

I observed myself looking at his car. I observed that a look for some seconds is of a neutral quality within one's psychology. One is like being aware of what one is looking at.

However as the looking continued, things changed and a new element appeared - fantasy and further to that I observed what sustained the looking was fantasy.

Within a minute or less one sees that it is a nice car, not very practical though (seating only two), very expensive to maintain, something that is corruptible - very quickly it looses its value and wear and tear inevitably takes a bight out of it and furthermore it is something that I really don't want when it comes to it, and something that I will never have.

There is always fantasy with desire, and fantasy maintains the fascination. If we stop fantasy we void ourselves of the need to look and wonder...

This exact same principle applies to anything else that we may look at or take a second look at. ..

Fantasy issuing from the subconscious which is very subtle deceives us (tricks us) and keeps us looking. If one notices the main gist of the fantasy and realizes how unrealistic it is one can drop it and everything else drops within you.

End (3260).

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