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Monday 4 November 2019

Earth Esoteric - (3272)

Outline of Points Relevant to the Theme

Common Human Perception

We think that we and the Earth are separate. We do not think that we are the Earth. We are, Master Samael says the Earth's most important organ.

Humanity to the Earth is comparable to how important the liver or lungs are to the human body.

We do not see the Earth as a living Being with its own living Identity.

Because of this perception we do not as Gnostics see how our work or lack of it affects the Earth.

Master Samael says that we do not live on the Planet Earth even though we do. He says we are stuck in our emotions, desires, impulses, instincts etc. belonging to our microcosmos.

This is easy to verify. If we are to look at examples of Eastern and Western art we will see that in the West man is portrayed as being bigger and on top of nature (i.e greater than the Earth) while in the East man is portrayed as being a part of nature.

Actually Master Samael says that it was after the 18th Century that because of the increase in skepticism the fourth vertical and the Nontrabada island were hidden not to be seen again.

What affects the Earth also affects us. For example Master Samael says that when energies from a cosmic catastrophe reach Earth these energies cause human beings to go to war.

Avenue of Awakening

There are many areas in which human beings awaken. The area of the Earth is one.

As we are part of it, as we are it, as we are the cells of the earth, part of our awakening is to realise and understand this. Once we understand this we can begin to awaken to the higher possibilities. As the awakening is infinite there is rise to the order of Galactic man and Infinite man which is when the Earth releases us.

While we are not awake to the fact that we are part of the Earth, our destiny is linked to the destiny of the Earth. When we develop further our destiny becomes unlinked from that of the Earth's. Hence the guardian wall.

Our awakening affects the Earth. The brighter our consciousness shines the brighter the Earth's consciousness shines also. As we are cells of the Earth an awakened cell contributes to the brilliance of the whole.

While we are on the Earth, we are never greater than it. Just as the liver can never be greater than the whole body.

Our awakening is tied to the Earth. The Earth provides us with life and its diverse circumstances through which we can awaken.

We are cells of an organ, and that organ of the Earth is humanity. Without human beings the Earth would not be able to live. Therefore, the picture that science paints that there was period in which there were no human beings is false.

The economy of nature draws balance based upon the conditions of the human being's consciousness.

When we die we cease to be part of the physical earth. We enter the spiritual realm of the earth, i.e. the spiritual or the infra. The Earth holds us corporeally or incorporeally.

Cosmic Order

The Earth is a highly spiritual yet physical being. This is how the Earth was seen and known in Lemuria.

A planet is of the order of: mesocosmos. Human beings are of the order of: microcosmos.

A planet is governed by 24 laws and a human being by 48 laws.

Every cosmic order shares a certain number of laws. The human being has a duplication of the laws in the mesocosmos.

The Earth Master Samael says has seven dimensions. Just as the human being has seven fundamental dimensions.

The Earth has three parts: superior, middle and inferior. In other words: a heaven, the physical dimension and the infra-dimensions.

As we have seven chakras the Earth also has its chakras.

As we have meridians and channels through which our energies circulate so does the Earth.


The Earth also requires nourishment as do we. The Earth does not nourish itself primarily as we do from the plants and animals but from the cosmos through the four kingdoms of nature.

The Earth is a cosmic Being that nourishes itself from the cosmos and of itself, that is the Earth also transmutes.

The four kingdoms absorb these cosmic energies, transform and transmit them to the interior of the Earth feeding its vitality. That way the Earth's vitality is sustained.

The human being after the second mountain stops being a mechanical transmitter of these energies.

The Earth needs the four kingdoms for its nourishment. The four kingdoms act in some way like a great stomach.

One-dimensional or single brained creatures capture energies from the Earth itself and re-transmit it back to the Earth.  Of which the Earth makes use of.

Two brained creatures capture other types of energies and they absorb them and later transmit them into the upper layers of the Earth's crust.

The three brained beings, i.e. human beings capture energies from the cosmos, absorb them and transmit them to surface layers of the Earth.

The trees capture energies principally capture energies from the Earth. However, there are trees that capture energies from the cosmos and there are those that capture energies from the Infinite. 

We can capture cosmic energies, we do this with the Runes and certain practices. We feed ourselves and we feed the Earth.



Earth as Mother

Frequency of Vibration of the Earth

Special Sites

Master Samael's Anecdotes

Etheric Body of the Earth


End (3272).

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