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Thursday 26 December 2019

Coffee Shop Waves - (3349)

Things come and go in waves. Just sit a good while in a coffee shop and observe. 

Customers roll in and out in just like ocean waves. The car park is tightly packed, all tables pressed by elbows, every spare chair, stool, couch corner and bench seat sitting warm. It just looks impossible that one will get a coffee let alone a seat. 

The wave has truly rolled in. What rolls in must roll out. Just wait and at the routine natural moment the wave will roll out and the car park will welcome you, many a chair will be going cold and many tables elbow free, and above all - oh the quiet!

Where I go, 7am is a wave rolling out. 

Anyway besides that, waves roll in and out within our psychology and within any state of consciousness or within any desire, suffering etc.

Eveything is made up of those waves rolling in and out... This is governed by a law - the Law of Activity and Respose. Even karma is applied to human beings in waves of increasing and decreasing intensity.

End (3349).  

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