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Wednesday 4 December 2019

Delete Afterwards - (3312)

What happens with us, that during an event or activity we create "I's".

Those "I's" serve a purpose, they may be neutral or even good in quality. 

After the activity or event is finished we should delete or dissolve them. Because they are not needed anymore, they take up consciousness, essence and psychological space. 

Just like a file or email that has been read and dealt with - it is time to delete it to free up our inbox.

For example, you are buying a laptop and inadvertently you end up creating an "I" or "I's" to do with buying a laptop. Once you buy the laptop you don't need those "I's" anymore and so you can dissolve them.

We can during an event create a large "I" and then because it has been created with intensity we keep it alive with memory, conversation, repetition, recurrences etc. 

Resentment is such an example as well as fear and lust. 

If we don't delete these little egos that we create, we end up after a while with a huge new ego. This how we have created many egos in the past which now bother us.

End (3312).

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