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Saturday 7 December 2019

Force and Wisdom Relationship - (3314)

The best combination is force and wisdom.

These two should shake hands and work together.

When they don't work together we have the ego in one of its various forms.

When there is the lack of wisdom there is dogmatic, excessive and blind force that is harmful and destructive consequences.

When there is wisdom and no force there is just potential and no action. The wrong still happens, the danger is not avoided...

Anger is pure force lacking reason or wisdom. It is the forceful imposition of something devoid of reason.

What is imposed with anger, is usually done that way, because the wisdom to see what is being imposed is missing.

If wisdom was present one would see that what one is imposing is wrong. We impose with anger or with force because we lack wisdom to prove that it is right.

So then, if we strike the right balance between force and wisdom we take away the ego.

End (3314).

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