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Sunday 22 December 2019

Mercury, Salt and Sulphur - (3274)


Mercury, Sulphur and salt form a triad. They are always together. The function of this triad is to create. This triad is universal and primordial. This triad is present in the macrocosmos and in us - the microcosmos.

This triad of mercury, sulphur and salt is a combination of energy, matter and spirit. There are many  synonyms for this triad, with the first synonym being: energy, spirit and matter respectively.

The many synonyms help to understand this trio better.

This trio is not to be understood literally, that is, not as physical mercury, physical sulphur or physical salt. Even though each of these three substances are quite special in their own right and possess some qualities that are akin to their real natures in the Alchemical or esoteric sense, they still must not be seen physically.

This trio is also a set of principles. This trio is a set of real forces. They are also very much like the Law of Three in action. 

Here are some synonyms (order is sulphur, mercury and salt):

  • Spirit, Soul and Body
  • Fire, Water and Salt
  • Blood of Christ, Flesh of Christ and Salt of the Earth
  • Consciousness, Energy and Matter
  • Common Cosmic Father, Cosmic Mother and Illiaster or Protilo
  • Brain, Heart and Action

These three primordial elements form the basis of creation and the arche, which is a Greek word meaning 'origin' or 'first cause'. It is the chaotic swirling and mixing of the primordial forces and substances of creation. All created life is the result of Sulphur, Mercury and salt.

There is a cosmic Arche and there is also a microcosmic Arche.

Now it is time to go into each of these three elements.




To be continued...

End (3274).

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