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Sunday 22 December 2019

Observations on the Battle of the Natures - (3345)

Man In Woman Out

In Gnostic groups there are very few cases where the man is interested in Gnosis and his wife or partner is not.

This is because generally the woman is stronger by nature and she being the centre of gravity of the household, commands, and organises things in her way, it is especially easy for her if the man is weak in a certain area...

Woman In Man Out 

This case is more common. In fact there are many cases like this, where the woman is interested in Gnosis but the man is not. Such a woman can stay actively studying Gnosis for many years without problem. Which is generally not true for the case mentioned earlier where the man is interested in Gnosis, but his wife is not.

Once again this is because the woman is the stronger by nature and manages to easily win her freedom to pursue what is of interest to her.

End (3345).

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