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Wednesday 18 December 2019

Two Ears One Mouth - Nature is Telling Us something Here - (3340)

Two is greater than one.

Two ears and one mouth is nature telling us that to listen is more important than to speak.

Nature wanted to protect us by giving us two ears so that we can get the right information before we speak.

Listening we can catch the necessary information.

When we speak is when there can be trouble...

The mouth or the word is sexual. It creates circumstances, for good or for bad.

Within our mouth there is male (tongue) and the female (lips). When we speak the male and female combine to powerfully create!

Two ears for the feminine passive principle, one mouth for the active masculine principle. 2 + 1 = 3, the law of three which creates. Even in our mouth we have 1 for eh masculine tongue, and 2 for the two lips of the passive feminine principle. 1 + 2 = 3, the Law of Creation governing creation.

Mother Nature - the Divine Mother is telling us to listen!

End (3340).

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