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Wednesday 29 January 2020

Delivery Methodology not Like the Ancient Times - (3392)

Classes there were few of back then. More one to one.

Now days classes is all it is. Well, classes with practices.

The most effective method of delivering the teachings is one to one.

Back then in the temples, with masters and disciples it was the appropriate time and setting to deliver that way. However, now days given the general sate of consciousness and level of being classes are the more acceptable way to approach the public.

Not all modern schools use classes though, the master finds or chooses a disciple and instructs one to one. Under the guidance of the master the disciple later becomes the master and the chain continues.

One of the reasons why the ancient schools were so effective was that they used this method. As well as of course what they taught and how they taught it.

Back then application of the teachings was dedicated and supervised. In these times there is no supervision and the setting is not right to be dedicated.

The success rate back then was really high and now it is really low.

For sure now days is the hardest of times and settings to apply the teachings. However it is partially compensated for by there being so much light available to learn from if one really looks and wants to learn.

End (3392).

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