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Thursday 30 January 2020

Have to be Patient with Rotten Jealousy - (3399)

If you have jealousy I don't care to hit it. Dissolve it!

I am working on mine and weakening it more and more. I am certainly not going to protect jealousy in anyone, if what I want is for it to die.

I have seen a good few ladies (some men too) with a some time in Gnosis manifesting this ego. With contorted and angry faces possessed with that seething look or that panic even. In a high majority of the cases it turned out to be nothing, a 'flash in the pan' - jealousy getting it wrong.

Usually when the perceptions of jealousy are onto something, the jealousy of the lady manifesting so frequently and outwardly with the sharp barbs of ill-will, often drove the guy into resentment and things spiraled pear shape from there. Of course the guy has his big egos too which give the pear it’s shape.

Jealousy and its intense scrutiny, focusing on the smallest details to make conclusions, that often make the person look embarrassingly petty.

Anyway what can you do? It is a huge ego in people and they can't do much about it until they really start to do something about it, no matter what you say. You can not dissolve it for them.

So patience until they do start to dissolve it. That is all, and one has to be patient alright. I mean some years of waiting for them to seriously work on it. Even if you have your own jealousy under control and invisible to all.

End (3399).

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