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Thursday 2 January 2020

Much to Gain in Developing Responsibility - (3355)

I believe if a person decides to develop responsibility physically and psychologically, that person will advance a great deal spiritually.

The main characteristic of the human being is a lack of responsibility. Due to the many "I's" and above all the sleeping consciousness. 

Responsibility starts when we understand that we are an essence, yet we have several "I's" that have their own agenda.

To be responsible - the vice of self-deception has to be worked on.

To develop the capacity to be responsible one has to be to see the psychological cause of our actions and words.

One has to know oneself deeply. Which implies being able to radically accept one's psychological reality. Which if we have heavy defects is not easy - but must be done.

To be responsible is to be able to match our thoughts with consequences. An irresponsible person has no concept of the consequences of their actions.

The use of the word is responsibility's major test. To match action to words previously spoken is one hall mark of responsibility.

To have expressed an ego and work on it later or on the spot is not really to be esoterically responsible.

To have felt an ego and then worked on it with all the steps is to be responsible. Our job is to inspire the trust of the inner Being in us. Being responsible helps our Being to trust us.

More later on...

End (3355).

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