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Wednesday 22 January 2020

The Whole is Great - (3390)

For the "I" of pride, life is hard.

Pride always wishes to see one person (ourselves) as exceedingly important, as the one amongst a group, a suburb, a city, a country even a planet, standing out in quality etc.

It intimately can not understand how we are not great, and don't really stand out.

The truth that so many others are so good, so skilled, so intelligent, so virtuous, so brave, so hard working, so aware etc. leaves pride quietly puzzled, and left with nothing it asks so what am I then?

The answer is there in front of us, it just requires some courage to grab onto it and embrace it.

Answer: we are a part of the great whole. The whole, the oneness is what is totally great! And we have a part in that. We are an essential piece. Without us the whole is not whole.

To feel that the oneness begins to creep into our identity is very interesting and liberating.

Pride thinks that strength is the individual, the strong rebellious individual standing out amongst all the rest.

But really the strength, the wisdom, the love, and the power of the preceding three is all in the whole, in the oneness.

Try to bring the oneness into the picture of you, so that you now see yourself as a part of the whole.

Many egos will then suffer mortal blows. Egos such as pride, envy etc. will get such a good hit.

It will also help you in your understanding of the whole and help you in the interactions with people.

End (3390).

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