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Monday 20 January 2020

What to Change In? See What Others See of You - (3388)

How We See Others

Someone mentions a person's name. The next moment we find ourselves expressing silently or out loud - "they have that wrong", "asleep in that area", "a bit controlling", "selfish", "egotistical", "arrogant" etc. 

We tend to only know or think of a person by their faults. We associate them with the general fault of laziness, gluttony, selfishness etc. and our mental representation of them is heavily flavoured by them having that fault. 

For example, you hear the word controlling and then the image of the person appears in your mind. 

When we see that they are not changing in the fault/s that we associate them with we think they are not changing at all. 

Which could be wrong of course. We have a limited vision of them.

What we see of others is their visible faults which maybe invisible to them. Anyway what we see is quite significant and if they were to work on it considerable changes would come about in their actions, overall nature, personality etc.

How Others See You

So the big question! How do others see you? What are the faults that they associate with you.

We can find out by asking, mind you, ask an honest person for their honest opinion. We can also find out using our imagination.

See yourself with others and see yourself interacting and then using imagination observe yourself from the corner of the room and then evaluate...

What others see about us are major faults that we often don't see or consider unimportant to work on. But we are wrong really what others see are very visible and affect our life in a significant way. So it is definitely worth working on these things that others see. 

End (3388).

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