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Saturday 15 February 2020

Accept Radically and Deeply your Sexual Energy - (3425)

A very interesting point in the sphere of sexuality is that of accepting one's sexual energy.

A person who loses their sexual energy is someone who does not really accept their sexual energy. Just ask them and they will give you a lot of concepts about the sexual energy that go along the lines of it not being an innate value but as something of the opposite.

The more we accept our sexual energy the more and more refined we become and the more we integrate with it in a dignifying and edifying way.

When we accept something we bring it into ourselves, we comprehend, we come to be at peace, we love, we lower our protest, we change, we move on, we suffer less, we embrace the future, we do many positive things...

When you decide to accept your sexual energy on a deeper level you are actually recognizing its wonder, its specialness, its Beingness, its marvel, its power. I say this because we never accept or bring into ourselves mud, sludge, stagnant swamp water. Do we? So in deciding to accept we are seeing the sexual energy as an ally, a saviour etc.

When we accept something we also understand that we are going to change. We are going to change in the way of aligning ourselves with the nature of what we are accepting. When we accept the sexual energy on a deeper level within us we know that we have to refine ourselves, that is act, feel and think in a different way - more whole, dignifying and edifying way.

A person may not know that they still need to more deeply accept their sexual energy. As their work deepens, and they arrive at these deeper levels careful observation will allow them to make that discovery. Certain clashes, things appearing that didn't appear before are the indications.

End (3425).

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