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Wednesday 19 February 2020

Sexual Impulse Characteristic - (3438)

There's one characteristic about the sexual impulse that is interesting. That, it is typically selfish or individual in a nicer words. There the problem lies.

So many wrong things have taken place because of this characteristic - things to do with forcing nature.

Because it is particular to the individual it is not readily understood or echoed by others. Often it frightens and alarms others. 

Of course there is co-operation and that is where sexual co-operation in Alchemy finds its place. 

That is probably one of the significant learnings in relation to sexuality- about how to deal with this impulse. More importantly - how to create love. 

Gnosis has the best teaching - transmutation. In transmutation the sexual impulse becomes love.

Basically to create love we have to sacrifice, and we start sacrifice with the sacrifice of the selfish sexual impulse. 

In love there is sacrifice. Love is a lot about sacrifice. We sacrifice for what we love. If we can't sacrifice things for what we supposedly love, we don't love it. When we transmute we sacrifice, that is we choose one good superior to another. 

In this choice of the superior there is love, because we love the superior, which is our essence, our presence, our energy. We love those superior things over our desire for the lower in place sensation-emotions etc. The love for the superior therefore strengthens. Love Master Samael says is fed with love.

End (3438).

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