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Monday 3 February 2020

The Ambitious Student - (3409)

There is always a few. They are characteristically unhappy and they want to enter the advanced group, or change groups or change teachers.

Maybe doing the above will help. Maybe they will regret it...

However, the ambitious person always forgets him or herself as well as forgetting their Being.

If one wants to be happy one has to accept and embrace where one is in life and what one has in his/her life. Make full use of it be at peace and be happy. Then usually the door opens...

With our attention directed firmly within and our eyes open we can find much to work on. Naturally our own consciousness will help us to work. 

If however we need help, with our sincere heart and well directed will the keys and help that we need will avail itself. Either from within or mysteriously beyond our reckoning from outside. A book drops open on the floor, a person suggests something, we stumble across something on the internet etc.

End (3409).

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