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Wednesday 19 February 2020

Why we May Really Like a Particular Movie - (3441)

Some Movies

There are some movies that really resonate with us (not our egos), or it may not be the whole movie but just one or two scenes.

The reason for that is, is that it touches something in our essence. There is also another reason, which is that it touches something from our past.

In the case of touching the past, the movie triggers the memory of something from our past that also happened to touch our essence.

In fact our essence still remembers those things that touched it deeply. We have just lost the lived details. Deep down unaware to ourselves that we watch movies of the past especially or the future (very remote past) to remember the details.


For example, Ben Hur, the scene of when he was rowing on board a Roman battle ship. 

That feeling of closure - committed a crime, justice served, only one thing to do in life now is pay, serve, life is simple - just row, gazing upwards mind melts into the rhythm and sounds of the oars, in a quiet daze the pondering on life deepens while rowing. Even shackled there is a feeling of freedom coming from the essence, it hopes to set things right rowing, in the middle of the ocean, vast deep blue expanse, yet a feeling of confidence in a strong empire, grandiose and so far undefeated, even being a criminal one is still part of something great.

Times of the Past

The times from our past that activated our essence are the times of which we have intense memories of and plus they are are not so far away. We in effect in this life subconsciously strive to repeat what evoked those feelings.

The same will apply to you and your past, with particular movies. The interesting thing, to test that this is that you will concretely have a very marked tendency in this life towards those times and the activities of those times. 

For example rowing. From a young child you were rowing, if there is a rowing machine you are on it, any exercise that is similar to rowing you gravitate to and find it natural etc. etc.

The reason perhaps why so many people like war movies is because they have been in war, as millions have and in war as awful so many remarkable things of the essence come out and that leaves an indelible mark on the essence. The loyalty to death, the love to save one's fellow man, enemy or friend, life long promises kept, life sacrifices, all of those very special things of the essence come out in war and those touch the essence and even though a person can not remember the lived details, the essence remembers it and sometimes we watch war movies to try and remember the details.

End (3441).

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