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Sunday 8 March 2020

Fantasy - Every Ego's Con Man - (3470)

Con Man

Fantasy in fear makes future events seem much worse than what they will really be like.

Fantasy in lust makes things seem much more exciting than what they really will be like.

Fantasy in Pride makes us seem better than what we really are.

Fantasy in anger makes an angry outburst to be nothing of consequence but in reality it will have rolling complicated consequences.

Fantasy in laziness makes work seem more difficult than it really is.

Fantasy in jealousy makes the other person seem like a criminal (breaking the laws of relationship present only in our head) and in reality they are your friend, spouse etc.

Fantasy in envy makes what we are or have seem to have less value than what it really does.

Fantasy in gluttony makes eating and taking ample much advantage as something all positive, with no inconvenient balancing required.  


The conclusion we can draw is don't fall for the yarn the ego's show man (fantasy) spins. Reality is very different. Reality is where we live (not always we can live in fantasy land) but reality is where we meet our consciousness.

End (3470).

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