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Tuesday 31 March 2020

How to Deal with a Mind Going Bananas - (3514)


If the mind goes bananas for a while, well, ok - that's not as important as what one did while it was ‘mind gone bananas’ time. What we did made us to learn something. It turns out that if we don't do anything we tend not to learn much. That is the important thing to take out of it. 

Because what we learn will help us next time, and it may even help us to prevent a 'next time', and if someone else is in 'mind gone bananas' mode we have something up our sleeve to help them. 

This post is passing on or sharing some things that may help to treat an agitated mind.

Mind Goes Bananas

What is typical when the mind gets into such a problematic state is that 'feeling of being overwhelmed'. 

The feeling worsens when the thoughts begin to adversely affect our physiology.

The thoughts arrive one after the other, triggering emotions and our focus gets very distracted and superficial. We then begin to lack the space and depth needed to see through the thoughts. 

Noticing this we try to create space and we try to focus deeply. Unfortunately the mind and the already disturbed emotions do not cooperate as they have gained much momentum. That approach then fails. All the while our mind-emotion centre begins to become more sensitive to the incoming thoughts.

What really works here is to breathe deeply and let go of the thoughts, gently and peacefully with each breath let go of the thought, no matter if it has been in our mind for a minute or two seconds - gently let it go. Ever so gently letting it go with out a word said in our mind. One out breath means a thought let go.

Persist with this and a calm will arrive, do it patiently for as long as necessary. We may be able to experience an amazing thing. Which is that while the mind was in 'mind gone bananas' mode the negative state that was produced made life, people, circumstances look so impossible. But when that state lifts or even partially lifts that outlook changes completely.

A Thousand Ways of Thinking and Points of View 

One thing that is difficult when the mind is very active is that like a hundred or more different points of view appear, and just as many ways of thinking also appear. The question is which one is the right one? Which one do I go with? Even some contradict each other, which really hurts our mind.

From a Mental Silence Base

The answer to this question is to chose the quiet mind as your base or your point of reference. We have to procure the quiet mind. No one cares how you get to it, whether it be chopping wood, running, digging up the garden, mopping, dusting, washing all the dishes in the cupboard, meditating, vocalising a mantra, praying... as long as you quieten the mind by forgetting all those points of view and ways of thinking. Don't give any reasons importance or urgency, only give letting go of all thought the utmost importance and priority.

When Better Begin to Analyse - Is that True?

When we are a bit better and not feeling so overwhelmed we can begin to question the thoughts. As soon as we truly see that they are falsely grounded, their effect on us diminishes. This helps so much, as long as we do it with serenity, serious calmness. Allow each thought to present its argument and position, then calmly question it. The ultimate key is the calmness. 

Really when we do this we begin to see each thought as like a friend who brings us a gift of seeing the truth. We receive that gift only when we question it or focus our attention on it.

To the Problem Mind Give Solutions

When we are feeling better to each thought that comes to our mind, you will notice that it in essence is a kind of problem. So then, to each problem thought produce a solution. Give the mind a hundred solutions and you will see how much this helps. The mind goes down 'veggie mode', becasue it is tired and it begins to realize it can actually relax.

5 Minute Mental Silence

If we practice 5 minutes of mental silence daily we can relax and heal the mind. Of course the longer the better up to a certain limit. Where that limit is set by our nature and level of spiritual development.

The mantra S M HOM from Master Samael is very good also! Combining the two mental silence and S M HON - maravilla!

End (3514).

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