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Thursday 19 March 2020

Hypnotic Grip Thunder and Lightning Strike - (3496)


Here are some short notes about this part of the ego and the work related to it.


Here goes...


I think the hypnotic grip of any ego, is critical to study and work on. Why? Because of it we can not separate from an "I". Because of it we fall into identification with an "I".

Freeing yourself from the hypnotic grip of the ego is the start of the decline of any ego we are working on.

To break the hypnotic grip of an "I" is to break the back bone of that "I".

What is the hypnotic grip of an "I"? Simple, it is the power of an "I" to take over our human machine. 

Seen from another angle it is our incapacity to let go of an "I" when it wishes to take over our human machine from its abode in our subconscious.

Seen from yet another angle, it is the sheer beguiling subconscious force that causes us to join sides with an "I", yet we know intellectually that that "I' is no good for us, it will hurt, others will be affected and only regret will follow. Plus that beguiling subconscious force seems so obtuse, so difficult and mysterious at times too resist...

This is what constitutes the fight with the hypnotic grip, we know the ego is inconvenient yet we can not or do not stop it.

The function of the hypnotic grip is to pull the free essence to the ego ready for the free essence to identify with that ego so that it can enter the human machine.

Yes, the free essence is the guardian of our human machine! Yes the free essence stuffs up and identifies, becomes one with the intruding ego.

I tell you what, when you are finishing with the hypnotic grip of an ego you voluntarily look for the gymnasium so to finish it off. Master Samael did that many times.


It is worth the effort of studying it so to know it. Knowing it we can work on it much more efficiently.

When the hypnotic grip is used we become two people. The person before and now the person moments away from identification with an ego. If only we could contrast the two people in ourselves we would give ourselves a shock. 

The hypnotic grip does not allow us to see the formation of two people inside of ourselves and it does not allow us to remember our original person who was reasonable and normal.

It actually buffers (kundabuffer) the truth. It blinds us from seeing the truth.

The hypnotic grip is emotional not intellectual.

The hypnotic grip has logic or reasoning as one of its main weapons. Via the logic we believe deeply in ourselves needing the ego.

To believe is something really emotional. To believe is to use will. It is to inject will into something. 
For the hypnotic grip to be strong, just as it is in many "I's", there has been a large investment of our will into them. 

We don't know how much the belief in these "I's" contains until we go to fight them.

Pain, inferior emotions, pangs of pain, mysterious feelings, passions etc. are all the beguiling qualities of the hypnotic grip. Feeling like we are missing out, losing something etc. are other types of irresistible feelings.


The hypnotic grip is really in depth desire. Take away desire and the hypnotic grip is no more (jelly). 

that desire comes from the opposite polarity of Kundalini. from the power of that negative atom that was excited by the Archangel Sakaki soooo long ago in the Hyperborean times. Yes that's right, Master Samael says that it actually happened before Lemuria.

Hypnosis is a means to an end. Not an end. There is always a hypnotizer and that is the 'I' that hypnotises us for it's reasons which are its desires.

At the root of desire is a lack of balance, a compensation being needed. That compensation is the loss of a value of the essence. It is basically lost when it gets polarised the wrong way, and then we need to compensate, and the only alternative is to compensate externally.


Hope it was useful?

End (3496).

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