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Monday 16 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.5) Kundalini Coiled and Resting - (3475)

Potential/Static or Dynamic

As mentioned in earlier posts the energy of Kundalini can be either in potential or dynamic. In human beings it is potential, i.e. static, dormant.

Kundalini is a power station that supplies spiritual energy and that power station can be either disabled or enabled. Closed-down for now or open for open for business. 

And you know it has to be dormant... Yet for the spiritual path it must become the opposite: dynamic and active.

Active is Strict

If it were active in the human being who is not interested in using it inline with its nature, that is using the spiritual energy of Kundalini for the work of spiritual realisation, it would be disastrous!

Can you imagine that, the cosmic divine creative fire of the Cosmic Mother active and developed in the human being with the ego well and alive and the human being not interested in the Spirit.

All the chakras would be active and human beings would develop machines and technology to such a great extent that they would control and mange nature to an extent that they would challenge the Gods and the Law. Similar, actually worse than what Master Samael described happened in Atlantis.

Therefore it only makes sense that the awakening of Kundalini be strictly governed by conditions.

Secret of Lust

The secret of the existence of lust is that it makes the human being to lose the fire, and come under complete control. The Adamic veil is this, the veil that shrouds the mysteries of the Divine Mother which are only really unlocked through eh fire of the Kundalini and the resurrection of the Intimate Christ.

Coiled Three and a Half Times

The teachings state that the Divine Mother as Kundalini is coiled three and a half times around a special lingam in the Muladhara chakra. 

The three and half coils present Master Samaael says the Three Gunas and the Kliphos. Here the whole of creation is covered. 

The lingam is the Swayambhu lingam which is the lingam of Shiva.

The teachings also say that the Divine Motehr Kundalin serpent rests her head on top of the lingam looking downwards. Meaning, it is asleep or inactive, and indicating also that it can also descend and and furthermore it is easier for it to descend.

End (3475).

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