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Thursday 26 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.8) Kundalini's Nadis - (3478)

Tangent Circumstantial

Back to the Kundalini posts...

Something beautiful and esoteric, taking away from the depressing karma, fear and worry posts.


Nadi of course is a Sanskrit word meaning channel or flow. Essentially what we can take away from the word nadi is that it refers to energy in motion. If there is a nadi in our body there can be energy moving through it.

So our vital or energetic body is composed of a whole network of nadis. Very similar to the amazing network of arteries and veins that we have.

I remember that eccentric Austrian anatomist who wears a black hat and is as "pale as a ghost" displaying a body that he 'plasticised', which was only the network of blood vessels, arteries and veins. The Nadi in our body form an energetic network very similar to the network of blood vessels, veins and arteries but made out of finer matter.

Any nadi in the body is of course not physical. No anatomical dissection will ever find it.

Kundalini Nadi

The Kundalini i our energy anatomy is the centre piece the premium, the prize the most precious loving power station.

It being a power station must have its nadis through to supply it energy. Of course there are major one and minor ones.

The main one is the Sushumna nadi. Though that is not all. The Sushumna nadi contains three components or nadis. It is actually the inner most nadi that conducts the Kundalini energy.  

Oops sorry short on time will post the remaining points tomorrow.

End (3478).

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