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Thursday 26 March 2020

Priority Control Fulcrum (PCF) - (3512)

Fulcrums General

I just made that up: Priority Control Fulcrum. It is not an official term as far as I know from a business management course.

Ok so anyway, what it is about is that there in our psychology actually exist quite a few different fulcrums.

The thing is, if we know those fulcrums🔑 and use them we can help ourselves out quite a lot. Basically we can use them to bring control into our psychology.

I dare to say that in our psychology to do with each ego there is a particular control fulcrum. Use that fulcrum and you can control that ego, keeping it in the background behind you, and your normal self in the foreground.


To not get identified with life, we can make use of the fulcrum which I am deciding to call: PCF.

So I am going to write from now on for those who want to do the work, not for those who are not really wanting to do it, because, the latter type of people will only see my words as annoying and stupid.

If one understands really well that an active essence is the most beneficial thing, naturally an active essence will become the most important thing for them.

With that understanding in place one can really work on oneself, as long as one gives the work the position of being most important. 

So the fulcrum is to keep the understanding that your essence being active is the most important and that with an active essence you can do all that you need to do in life.

Toilet Paper

Ok, so for example as soon as we say getting toilet paper or hand towels or something is the most important thing, everything that we want to do in our work begins to disappear from there. 

Why because we broke the fulcrum. The fulcrum gives us control over our psyche and also control over life and our work.

We can observe that after such a decision we see then that a lot of things go wrong. We get nervous, we panic, we fight, we scream, we get sad and we argue.

Why because we forgot ourselves, we forgot the work and we forgot our Being and our essence. 

So the priority fulcrum helps us to keep our essence active in the face of so many good, bad, busy, and difficult circumstances.

End (3512).

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