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Wednesday 8 April 2020

Activate Trust - (3519)

Worry Future, Guilt Past

"If we want to worry get a future. If we want to feel guilt get a past.".

That's always true, the future and worry are always together and lament, regret and guilt are always tied to the past.

Totally in the Micro-Moment

Imagine we could be totally in this moment - I mean everything of us in this instant.

A sword has been swung the blade's sharp as hell and it is heading our way. That moment seeing the blade, throwing off a glint, all ok, it hasn't hit us yet. The next moment it hasn't hit, the next and the next nothing, then finally. The impact, then we are out of our body, that's it the problem of life is all over. 

If we take things from instant to instant things are manageable. It is hard, really hard to feel ok when we are not in the moment. The mind and its projections.

In this precise moment things are usually ok.

Anyway we need trust when we are scared of the future.

If we can't be in the moment so intensely, because it is really hard with the many egos we have - we just need trust.

Trust is the panacea that puts us at ease. Why? Because it counterbalances the projections of  difficult circumstances and events with our ability and the help of others (visible or invisible) to cope with them.

Trust in yourself that you can deal with it. Trust in life that it will be kinder than you think. Trust in the work of others that they will behave better than you project. Trust in the help of your interior Divinity. Trust in the Cosmos that it will always hold you no matter what.

End (3519).

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