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Monday 20 April 2020

Best Policy with Sexual Energy is Integration - (3546)

Integration Introduction

First thing is first, integration is the best policy with our Being. The path takes us through successive stages of integration to the Being.

The sexual energy is of the Being and so going towards the Being also implies integration with the sexual energy.

There are levels and levels always.

No matter where we are there is a level of integration that we can aspire to and work towards achieving.

Obviously before doing that, the prerequisite is to know where there is not integration.

Transmutation though, not only to do with the sexual energy is the conscious means of integration. That is transforming that which is not integrated into that which can be integrated.

Lead can not be integrated into the Spirit but lead transformed into gold certainly can be.

A very self-defeating and ruining thing in life is to fight against reality. Against what is! The best is to love and integrate with reality in whatever form reality is confronting us with.

Psychological Clearway

Anyway, in order to integrate better with our sexual energy, has to be looked upon I would say with respect and with high positive value.

Looking upon it this way, we make the channels through which it flows through clear, so that it flow through to the higher levels within us, where it can merge with our essence and its noble qualities (psychology).

The way to give our sexual energy clear ways into our psychology, is to not have anything against it. When we don't have anything against it, we open up our physical and vital channels for it to flow freely to its consciously directed natural destination which is the brain and heart (centres of higher consciousness). An aside note the Hindu yogis say that our legs are the parts of lower consciousness in our body. Truly the sexual energy must always have to rise. Kundalini Herself being fire, always rises, as fire always rises and is always vertical.

Conclusion, if we integrate psychologically with the sexual energy, we can transmute a lot easier, and we in the process unite the sexual centre more into the whole of ourselves. Normally the sexual centre is somewhat disconnected, due to fear, due to lust, due to various wrong religious concepts etc.

So any psychological blocks that we have, actually divert the flow of sexual energy from reaching the higher centres of consciousness in us and consequently due to the blockages the energy gets stuck in the lower areas.

With all that energy stuck in the lower areas, the functions of those lowers areas or chakras gets totally amplified. For example, the energy being stuck in the sexual centre makes the sexual function amplified.

Because the sexual energy is volatile it will always seeks to flow, but due to the blockage it can not flow and later of course it explodes. Be it with anger or lust or via a very barbed and sharp ironic tongue.

End (3546).

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