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Wednesday 15 April 2020

Have You Ever Cried for the Soul of Another? - (3537)

I'm sure you have, you have a human heart beating there in your chest.

In a few magic moments an opening appears in ourselves. An opening of a certain tenderness for the soul of another... 

The fibres of our heart exposed, without a shield, tender and sincere, emitting a feeling outside of differences in personality, life circumstances, the past... A feeling powerfully free, with nothing to dampen or obscure it. 

Sometimes though, it is better to keep that feeling quiet as others yet may not understand or appreciate that. But those who know it in themselves will respect it.

For the essence of others and in honour of the love in our own essence, to remember and pray for another is a sublime recognition of  the unity of all of us despite human differences. 

These openings for others are a good sign, yet that within us which opened our heart does not mind whether this is a good sign or not.

Maybe we have cried for someone who we thought was spiraling further and further into a degenerative and painful way of life. Maybe for someone who held nothing back and showed their trust, putting their life on the line but things didn't work out, maybe for someone who suffers and there is no apparent remedy in sight, maybe for someone whose chance at the work can not be fulfilled, maybe for a soul that loved others so much, maybe for a soul that suffered and hated so much, maybe for our inner Divinity that has tried an tried everything to help us, maybe for a soul that in our intimate depths has touched our soul, maybe for a soul that fought with all the heart for life, maybe for a soul that has ... well you feel in the rest... 

No matter where these souls go that we have cried for, doesn't it imply that the closer to unity we are, the closer we are to them, and to encounter them again in the future is the only certain thing. The past is gone, the present is they are near or far. But anyway right now, if we have shed a tear for a soul they are in our heart.

Sorry, here's something, to sober the emotion, m.m.m says that the awakening makes one cruel. Ah what! If we go over some of the many stories to do with the masters we know that there is something apparently of truth in that statement. I want to clarify that a bit - cruel in the sense of cruel to the eyes of others, not that they are cruel. The knowing and the seeing of the masters surpasses the many human emotions, making them silent and a little matter of fact about those things, which people interpret as cruel.

As the consciousness sees beyond the emotions of loss into the future and even beyond time to the Monad, the loss is not really a loss. There is just that time gap to be bridged.

The awakened consciousness trusts in the will of the other soul's Monad, and as the awakened one is freer and freer from time there is little loss, there is just the moment and into this moment the future that awaits will enter when it is time. If there is waiting there is something that is certain to be waited for, isn't there?

End (3537).

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