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Thursday 2 April 2020

Interesting Observation with Regards to Depression - (3522)


Via this one observation one can learn quite a bit about the states of depression.

While someone is in that state which we commonly call depression, that person does not work, exercise, study, clean, prepare a healthy meal, garden, take a stroll, visit others etc. 

Staying in bed, watching weird shows, shutting out the light, eating junk, not answering calls, staying up late, sleeping in to midday are things that seem easy to do while in that state.

In general, the 'depressed' person does not 'feel' like doing anything that is positive for him or herself. It just feels a bit too hard to do any of that sort of thing.

As hard as those things seem to be, they hold the key to changing that state.

From this observation we can understand depression as being a negative state towards ourselves. That is the heart of it. That is why Master Samael said that with profound self-remembering and meditation depression can be cured.


When we self-remember we can only feel something POSITIVE towards ourselves, because we remember we are an essence and we are connected to something that is really real - a real spiritual Divine eternal fount like presence.

To think positively about things and ourselves starts to shift the clouds of depression.

Depression usually follows some kind of failure or breakdown. Because after that failure or breakdown we subconsciously for sure or even consciously go against ourselves.

While in the depressed state we tend to think that the best thing for us is to be coiled up in bed or watching NetFlix with the world shut out. We think that our cure is in doing that but as time passes that just does not help. The remedy has to be somewhere else.

Move Energy

The depressed person has to move energy. Get energy flowing within them and that helps out quite a lot. Just starting out with the smallest steps helps. The smaller steps will become larger steps.

As soon as we get energy flowing in us we feel differently. Because the forces of life are now in an amplified way coursing through us connecting us back to the flow of life. In the stream of life in the flight of activity things and outlooks can change.

It can be sufficient to do some Runes and even though it hurts something awful, just wait for the energy released and generated to appear and help shift your state.

I remember being in some awful states and I would do the Rune UR and chant the mantra KRIM with all I had. I felt so awful, and it hurt a lot. Often I would do it until my legs would give way, then I would just wait for the Solar energies to come. In some time afterwards they came, what a difference that made. That was just something I did, it may not be your cup of tea, something else may work and that will be the key to your book.

End (3522).

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