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Saturday 4 April 2020

Is there Time Left? - (3526)

A question that I honestly think bothers many Gnostic missionaries and students is this question that often one only asks oneself: will there be time left for me?

For the Gnostic missionary one asks this question for oneself and for his or her students... 

I've asked m.m.m this question three or four times now. He says no definite answer. He says he can't give a definite answer even if he knew something. Because even if there is some indication it can all at the drop of a hat be changed by the Law. 

As a human being here on Earth doing the work, we can't do anything at all but continue working on ourself or stop working. It doesn't make sense to stop working under the idea that everything is going to end and go rapidly down hill from here. I think while there's time and life there's work to do right to the end.

Of course I think it is safe to say that the Being if It has decided to work for Its realisation has some kind of a plan in place.

The plan of the Being to realise Itself through Its human vehicle has to take time and the times that we live in, into some kind of account. We can imagine that that would add an extra dimension of complication to things for the Being. Anyway we are left to trust our Being in that it is aware of this time factor. 

Can you imagine your trust being able to extend beyond this life into the next or perhaps another one after that? That is really trust! This kind of trust goes beyond time, beyond the body, beyond the human life span and it brings a big lot of peace to the person. A peace that will be with us even when we physically die.

We are told that we are in the times of the end and things at the moment do look dicey and the signs are that humanity is certainly not following a regenerating line but rather a degenerating one.

We can certainly see and feel the omipotent power of the Law over good and evil. Even evil in these times is getting a wack on the head (all shut down) just as much as the good, all the religions and good movements (even Gnostic groups) are all on hold.

Many of the predictions and dates don't seem to be falling out as was written, perhaps because things have changed or the reality of it is very different to the concpets we ahve created about it all.

It is very much like the situation when we were children and we asked our parents difficult questions about life and we were told: "be a good person, work hard, be honest, love God" etc. becasue our parents didn't really have the answer. But none the less it is a good answer, you can't really go wrong in life if you followed that advice could you? 

We won't really know if there is time left until it becomes very apparent that our time is up. In the meantime it is useful to not focus on it and focus on the work that we need to do on ourselves.

In the end a planet is not revolutionised or overhauled from one day to the next it is a long process and all of those processes belong to a higher reality and to the hierarchies of higher planes of consciousness to govern it.

End (3526).

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