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Sunday 12 April 2020

Liberation Notes: Post 1 - (3532)

Liberation the Goal of Gnosis

Without a doubt the goal of Gnosis has always been LIBERATION!


Let's then ask ourselves: "Do we want liberation?"

We may answer with a number of feelings: from indifference, emptiness, fear, not feeling ready, to feeling ready, to feeling a fulfilled sigh of relief that screams out "Thank God!", to feeling an ardent yearning for it.  

No matter what we feel, the spirit that beats in the compassionate heart of the Gnostic doctrine is LIBERATION!

The work on ourselves is all about liberation isn't it? I can only see that it is about liberation! The liberation of each one of us! Not Mr Jumbuck's liberation but damn it - your liberation!

This post is just to bring out a few notes on the topic of liberation.

Final Liberation

Looking up the standard dictionary definition, liberation is freedom from some kind of oppression or imprisonment. 

The words: oppressor, liberator and liberated go hand in hand and together form the scenario of liberation. That is there can not be liberation without oppression, a liberator and the liberated. 

There are many kinds of liberation, and because there are so many different kinds we can get majorly confused.

Master Samael lays down the reference point. He speaks about final liberation!

So final liberation is our reference point. The final liberation, is when a Monad with self-realisation returns freely back to the profound abstract source and fount of all that is, without having to return at any point to any level of creation.

There is liberation from the mind, liberation from a thought, liberation from inferior emotion, liberation from desire, liberation from the past etc. All these and thousands more lead from one liberation to another to grant final liberation.

Liberation is by degrees and by an ordered sequence, almost like a chain of realisations that breaks the chains of slavery. More on this later.

All in Us

In us there is an oppressor, a liberator and the liberated. We the fee essence are the liberated. The liberator and the oppressor are also parts of our ownselves. The liberator is the Intimate Christ and the oppressor - the many fragments of conditioned essence and karma. 

In other words the oppressor is us (egos are our essence trapped, we made our karma), we are the liberator (Intimate Christ is in us) and we are also the liberated (free essence). Liberation is not outside but inside of ourselves!

Stan's Plan

So I'll stop this post here, otherwise it will get unattractively long and tedious, and in subsequent posts I'll bash out the other notes I have up my sleeve on liberation.

End (3532).

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