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Thursday 30 April 2020

Old School Bully Died - (3570)

Years Ago

So this was years ago. I picked a fight with a kid in primary school and it went pretty pear shaped. That's because he won and very quickly became like an enemy and his mates turned into like bullies. 

Thank goodness he didn't kick me there.
That was a really good lesson to learn. I first thought the lesson was: "if you pick a fight make sure you can win". I tried that, then I learnt that up against teachers and the school principal you are never going to win. After that I began to learn the lesson, that: antipathy does not take you anywhere, only into lots of trouble, into lots of reprimands, stress and fear. Its not the right way, the best is to be on good terms with our fellow man and then live in peace. 


Anyway that aside I was one day reviewing my life and I remembered that guy and I so I googled him and holy macaroni the guy is dead, he died in November 2017 during the time of one of our big retreats. I couldn't believe it, he was a very athletic and fit guy. But according to the public records he is really six foot under. I wonder how he died that old mate of mine...

What do we feel when a person like that in our life dies? A relief, happy, nah not at all really - sad more like it. An enemy is a friend really, and sometimes a friend is an enemy. I would really have liked to have met him again and God willing and him willing also, turn that enmity into a friendship and pay that debt forever.

Friend and Enemy  

Both friend and enemy are similar. We are linked closely to both. We have intense feelings for both. Both help us. We think a lot about both. We help both. We know both. They both know us well. They both know our weaknesses and strengths well, we wonder why both are in our lives and we deep down in the quiet recesses of our essence we love both...  

The only thing, is that feelings, thoughts, help etc., is polarised in opposite ways for friend and enemy. A friend helps externally while an enemy helps internally.

A friend can be an enemy to our essence, because the friend protects and justifies our weaknesses. An enemy is a friend to our essence as it gives us the opportunity to grow stronger through adversity. 

The conscious friend is both friend and enemy in one. A friend that helps in all the positive ways but then when it comes to our egos, that friend is an enemy, because that friend wants that we dissolve those egos and see the light of our essence shine through.

An enemy was really a great friend once. All the real enemies of Gnosis for example, were once great Gnostics. The big guys in the abyss were once great angels. And sometimes the best friends are those who were once sworn enemies.

A friend you know Master Samael says is an esoteric degree. It takes much maturity and much consciousness to be a friend on the esoteric path and even in life to someone.

End (3570).

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