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Sunday 26 April 2020

Occult Role of Single People in an Esoteric Group - (3559)

One day someone was talking to me and said emphatically "I want to speak to people who understand me. So understand me!".

So I wiped the dumb look off my dial and focussed.

So here I want to write for mature people, so understand what I am writing in the sense that I am writing it and as m.m.m says: "don't come to me with non-sense".

Here goes:

When a group of people is formed dedicated to carry out esoteric activites a certain occult formation is created. This hidden formation is a force, almost like a metaphysical group identity that is like a sum result of the force of each group member. 

This hidden group force if it is strong and dynamic helps the instructor, providing the instructor with inspiration, drive, enthusiasm and impetus to overcome many obstacles and provide the group with what it needs to advance.

If the metaphysical group force is weak, that is skeptical and lacking spiritual strength, the instructor will be burdened, made heavy and be taxed of his or her energies to make this group advance.

Now, this group force is influenced of course by the sexual energies of the members. The sexual energies contribute to the formation of this metaphysical group force. More so than we think. 

If the sexual energies of the group are disorderly this will disrupt the efforts of the group. If for example there is a single lady that two, three or four male members like, then this 'out of the norm' situation is a disorder and causes the metaphysical group force to be edgy, a little volatile and distracted. Perhaps even a touch aggressive, depending on the refinement or level of being of those gentlemen.

If you have ever been through the city at night on a weekend, you will know what I mean. It is a very uncomfortable and awkward atmospshere that is in the background - aggressive, because the egos of lust and vanity of men crash against each other.

The ideal situation is when all the member's energies are chanelled into themselves or their spouse and so there are no disorderly situations.

However, single ladies because they do not have a husband, family, children and many commitments that involve their energies, they have an excess of their feminine energy that helps the group force to give rise to new projects whose results can materialise in its members. The feminine energies also harmonise and stabilise as well as bring a natural order of materialising or synthesising. The excess masculine energy from single men acts in a way to protect and direct what is being created. Too much masculine energy can act in a way to destablise a group.

So for the situaton where harminizing is needed and a new start is required, the energies of single ladies in a group is useful for this. There are some groups where the balance is really unusal. For example there could be a group with all male members bar one or two, or a group of more or less all single ladies. The particular set up of a group with more single ladies for example serves a purpose, which is to create, give form to, establish, materialise something that is new for the group but is something that the group needs for the circumstances it is passing through and the environment in which it is developing in.

A group that is very dynamic and has a demanding work standard, is benefitted by the presence of single ladies amongst its members as this helps to consolidate and settle the group amidst of the many movements and changes. 

End (3559).

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