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Sunday 5 April 2020

The Ethers - (3524)

Ether is Ethers

The Ethers is an interesting subject. It is one that we first learn about in our early classes. Though it is one that can go right over our heads. In my case it went into outer space over my head.

Anyway, I was always under the impression that there is only one ether. But no, ether is plural: ethers. You'll see what I mean a bit later down the page.

This post addresses in relation to the ethers and tattwas the points of: "definition of, function of in nature and ourselves". 

Etheric Body

Watching a human being taking their dog for a walk we can see at least two different dimensions at work. One being the purely physical and the other being the energetic. There has to be some energetic dimension to that person that has to do with the supply and transference of the energy that is moving that physical material body.

That body of energy is known as the etheric body. Take away the etheric body of the person walking their dog and the person would just flop to the floor. 

We get this understanding when at times we fall asleep with our arm dangling over the edge of the bed and we wake up, touch that dangling arm and get a shock thinking some stranger has their arm on our bed.  

We can't move or even feel that dangling arm. It is just flesh and bone - purely the physical component. It is said that the dangling arm has had its etheric part separate from it. In a bit of time the etheric part coalesces with the physical and we get our arm back and there is definitely no stranger around. 

We can see our etheric body in a mirror. It is a whitish blue sheath that goes around the whole of our the outside of our body extending about like 10cm I reckon from our skin.

In Sanskrit the physical body is called the sthula sarira and the vital or the etheric body is called the linga sarira.

Even the Earth has a vital body just as we do. The etheric body of the Earth is a paradise - the garden of Eden. Each heaven is a sage of governing, a stage of where higher energies and principles are at work to govern the planes below. So in the vital body of the earth are the energies and principles that govern the organic life of the planet Earth.  So ti is an immensely powerful place.

Four Ethers

Master Samael teaches that our vital body is made up of actually four etheric or vital components which he calls the four ethers.

These four ethers are crucial for our functioning.

They also allow light, heat, colour and sound to crystallise here in the physical world and in us. Which is essentially what an ether does. It is an energy platform that holds these principles and through the energy that it holds it allows these principles to be crystallised here in us.

They are:

1. Chemical Ether
2. Ether of Life
3. Reflector Ether
4. Luminous Ether

The first two ethers are behind the functioning of our physical body. The chemical ether is the energy field that supplies, directs, transfers the energy of all of our body's biochemical processes. Such as in digestion which covers assimilation and elimination. It is also present in the intimate processes of each organ, especially the brain.

The Ether of Life has to do with reproduction. Therefore it is intimately related to the sexual organs and the sexual energy. Especially to the production of the sexual energy. It is also the medium through which move certain forces and influences which assist in the production of the sexual energy.  

The above two ethers are considered the inferior two. The reflector and luminous ethers are the two superior ones.

These two superior ethers allow us to see the world that we live in.

The reflector ether has to do with our imagination and will power. When we use imagination and or will we are engaging this ether. The light that enters into our imagination enabling us to see something with our imagination comes from this ether. When we develop more our imagination this ether strengthens in light intensity. The sam when we exercise our will power consciously.

The luminous ether is actually related to our higher senses, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience. It is also what allows us to project light that allows us to perceive the dimension we are in and the other dimensions of space.

The luminous ether allows us to perceive the depth of colour and the richness of colour. Master Samael says that an eagle being able to see a mouse from so high up has a very well developed luminous ether.

These two superior ethers are actually separated in the second major initiation of fire. Master Samael says that these two ethers allow us to perceive the Garden of Eden - the vital body of the Earth.

When we dissolve more the ego we will cause these two superior ethers to break free from our vital body and join with our essence. Helping to crystallise more the virtues of the essence and increasing the perceptions and powers of the essence.

Akasa or Ether and Tattwas

This is a bit of a long story that I will get back into this week. Stay tuned for updates to this post.

End (3524).

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