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Sunday 24 May 2020

Control Freaks Only Suffer - (3606)

I've found it best to give up controlling others, even if it is, we think for their best.

Commanding, convincing, reprimanding, being passively unhappy etc. are some of the hundreds of ways of control.

The controlling person likes to tell others what to do but can not accept being told what to do.

The controlling characteristic is something relentless and constant in people who like to control. It seems if a person does not work on the controlling tendency, they are that way for years.     

Control belies weakness. In control there is always something we wish to avoid...

The more we wish to avoid something the stronger our grip of control will be.

We can't always control people or things. People don't always like that and they can't always obey. It is in fact very wrong for them to sometimes obey.

So as the controlling characteristic is something relentless and constant in a person, the control freak is only going to suffer.

Ah it is awful to control a person, because they will end up fearing you. The controlling person wants to do the best for the person but ends up making the person scared and unhappy.
End (3606).

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