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Friday 15 May 2020

Guru Notes - (3594)

About Post

This post is my jotting pad for a little talk I plan to give on the Guru. But I'm running out of time again so I'll be winging it...

Word 'Guru'

Guru is a Sanskrit word. 

It is made up of two Sanskrit words: GU and Ru. 

Gu means darkness and Ru means light. So putting these two words together we understand that a guru is someone who dispels darkness with light.

Concept of 

The concept of a guru has entered into the common pool of acceptance and the word itself also now has a place in many western languages, especially English.

It typically means anyone who has a high degree of knowledge or specialised knowledge about a subject and is prepared to pass it on. Like your IT guru, or Excel guru at work for example. 

A guru in the spiritual path is the same, however there are other dimensions to it which I hope to present in this post.

A Principal/Law of the Path

Everyone who walks the path has his or her guru. 

We do need a guru for the path. To have a guru is as old as tradition. 

In fact it is a principle of the path.

This principle of the path is expressed so eloquently by an Egyptian Hieroglyph, that shows the initiate with the left arm extended to the front and the right arm extended to the back. The left arm is pulled and the right arm pulls.

The guru is a link in an eternal chain. The first guru is the Cosmic Christ Himself, as He, Master Samael said signed a pact at the very dawn of creation to redeem men, Gods and worlds.

Other Notes in Point Form

The guru can contact our inner Being.

The guru knows something of the destiny and mission of the disciple's Being. Therefore the guru can indicate solutions to many of the disciples's big life decisions, travels and living circumstances.

By default the guru of the Gnostic people is Master Samael Aun Weor. But it is something totally different to chose a guru and put the guru in your heart then to just to assume you have one by default.

On the path what we can't get from our Being we can get from or through the Guru.

Our Being lacks some experience and needs the guru to guide and orient It and then us.

Master Samael says that the guru is the author of the highest parts of the disciple's Being.

For every disciple that reaches the self-realisation, the guru is paid and wins further entrance into the Absolute. For that it seems is a condition of entry into the Absolute... 

If we can't get access to the guru physically we must work with the guru of the guru. The guru maybe physical and the guru of the physical guru is the Being of the Guru.

We need a guru to take refuge in, to be able to arrive at his or her feet and seek advice, consolation, and help for our heart's ills and suffering on the path. 

In the most critical moments the guru comes to help us.

The guru helps us even in our life, arranging or helping to magically arrange life's circumstances.

The guru has much causative power in the life and in the interior of the disciple. This is a characteristic of the guru.

Combine working with the guru and our inner Being for our path. I would say don't forget neither.

What any missionary really wants is that his or her students are well situated on their path. To get to this point a good relationship with their guru is a determinant factor. So any missionary would want so much that their students find or chose their guru and become close with that guru-Being. 

End (3594).

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