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Monday 11 May 2020

To Love the Form is to One Day Lose the Form - Love the Essence - (3585)

When people love the form more than the essence, that love one day is to turn to pain and grief, as all forms must perish. 

The essence does not perish, it continues....

If we see people as being an essence that has a physical form, the love we may feel for them is not going to turn into bitterness later on. 

Make our life a work of art Master Samael said.

This change in view brought on by the esoteric teachings changes many things in a person. As the love for the essence from the essence continues on, you can just imagine how much sadness this alleviates, as the old way of thinking would have us see this as only a loss.

This even applies to our own form. As we get older we begin to lose the form and yet loving our essence more than the form we can pass through this process with comprehension instead of lament, protest and regret. 

End (3585).

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