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Friday 1 May 2020

What the Will of the Ego Does - (3572)

Among so many things, the will inside the ego is there to override the better judgement of our essence.

Our essence may feel that something is wrong and it may feel very uneasy about something but the will of the ego being strong overrides that feeling and pushes us into fulfilling the ego's desires. 

If the ego had no will there would never be a problem.

The ego uses the brute force of our own will that it has in its hands to overcome the essence. To silence it and to ride straight over the top of it.

The problem with all the egos is that they have will inside of them.

The will of the ego is used by our karma to make us to suffer - that is to pay our debts or more like, rather to get us into trouble where we will suffer and pay a lot of debts from the past.

We have to be wary of the will of the ego. May the natural judgement nad discernment of the essence in us prevail.

End (3572).

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