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Monday 1 June 2020

A Tiny Bit About Ubiquity - (3622)

In the later years of his life Master Samael made it known that his inner Being - Samael the Logos had the gift of ubiquity.

He told a gathering of students in Mexico that while he was talking to them he was also in Tibet, dressed in the traditional Tibetan style leading a caravan.

He was then asked is it that the essence is divided into fractions, to which Master Samael replied "No it is the same soul.".

For me that was very difficult to understand. However it is easier to understand if we see that the human soul of master Samael is one and from that one human soul derives the essence. One essence, two essences, three essences etc. can derived or taken from that same one human soul.

Thus we have a bit of an understanding about where a Monad's one or two or three different vehicles come from. The vehicle is really the essence, no the physical body but the essence.

If our Monad has two or more vehicles, well we are the one working on ourselves and we are the one our Monad is investing in to work for Its realisation. 

Why a Monad has two or more vehicles is a mystery. We can only theorise. Perhaps to learn more, to learn about life, to develop qualities that are not possible within the human life of one vehicle. Or for the Monad to express in various different ways? These are just the faintest of ideas I'm sure drawing pale before the reality.

End (3622).

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