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Tuesday 30 June 2020

Cosmic Value of an Alchemical Couple - (3664)

A couple practicing the Alchemy has a high value. A high cosmic value.

A couple who are practicing the Alchemy are fulfilling a cosmic function. Yeah yeah we may think - cosmic cosmic - heard that before.

But it is true, how can we say that it is not of cosmic significance? Read on a little, I'll explain... 

The alchemy is the sexuality of the Monad and is primarily for the Monad. Of course the two human beings and the Earth benefit, though ultimately it is for the Monads, and the Monad is a cosmic entity who has a  cosmic destiny and the work of alchemy fulfills that destiny. The realisation of any Monad enhances the absolute, and how can we say that the absolute is not cosmic? We can't right?

The Alchemical couple in scientific terms are a circuit through which energy can flow. In an alchemical couple the energies that flow in that circuit are spiritual and of high voltage.

A circuit is always constructed for energy to flow, and flow or circulation only ever exists between two poles. Between two opposite poles is where the maximum flow exists.

There can be a flow of respect between two men, two women but in terms of all the energies and potentiates available in the cosmos - physical and esoteric, this flow takes its maximum high voltage form between two opposite poles.

It is worth saying that normal sexuality where the sexual energy is lost and there is no cosmic purpose or no Monad, there is no circuit. If there is no circuit there is not much spiritual life being radiated. 

With an Alchemical couple, if we are careful observers we can see the glow and the beauty. That constant hermetic flow of energy makes both to glow, and beautifies both. The haggard looks that life prior dealt out disappears bit by bit, revealing replenishment, beauty and sparkle. (Other types of sexuality don't really do that - i.e. beautify the person).

The circuit of the Alchemical couple greatly benefits those around the couple, as according to conventional and esoteric science whenever there is a circuit, energies of a new and higher order can be induced into it and made to flow in that same circuit. 

If there is a flow of energy there is also a radiation of energy which benefits those in proximity.

So in a Gnostic centre the Alchemical couple is a generator of spiritual energy.

That's why I am very happy about Mr. and Mrs. C, as now, cosmic forces will be able to radiate outwards to their group and also cosmic forces will descend because now there is a circuit upon which those cosmic forces and energies can be induced into! And through that circuit certain forces that wish to help the group members can make their help more effective.

All these things we don't perceive, but given the contrast, then before and after we can perceive them.

End (3664).

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